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Writer's pictureOonagh


25 March 2020

This quotation appears on this card:

"The human soul needs actual beauty more than bread."

~D.H. Lawrence

It occurred to me how apt this is as my life to date has been this seeking to satisfy my longing for soul food among things that do not satisfy me. I know that I can physically eat and eat and still not feel full. This insatiable hunger can only be quelled with spiritual nourishment. As my anxiety levels skyrocketed and then plummeted several times yesterday, I felt this longing, this hunger that leads my head to believe that only some manner of food will satisfy. I have come to recognise this trick of my mind and sometimes I am drawn in but there are times when I am able to detach from its seductive lure and access a higher level of thought to direct my actions. This dance is constant. I can practice beauty in nature, art, music and language to help me snap out of my food trance. Today I created a space of beauty around me with relaxing piano music, a comfy warm blanket and my meditation cushion. A self made sanctuary, a refuge, a retreat I may access when anxiety strikes again.

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