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Writer's pictureOonagh


Guarding my dignity

My proposal is complete and has been sent to those who have made requests for it. This was a rather scary prospect for me as creating a menu of services and attaching a monetary value to them was such an arbitrary exercise and one that was excruciatingly uncomfortable. But it is done. The thoughts that came to me as I read this card were that now I need to send it out to those who have not made a specific request, but who know about me. This brings up intense feelings of trepidation. This card is so inspiring though! When I think about honouring my dignity, knowing my worth, sharing the inherent talents and gifts I have with the world - in essence letting my light shine in all its glory - I see that I have to take a stand. To stand up for me and shout loudly that this is what I have to offer and I think it can be of benefit to our community; help us deal with and heal our suffering. It is not begging or making demands but requesting that people consider that there may be another way, a different strategy to see things from another perspective. As I write this I sit straighter with a modicum of confidence, to stand in this fledgling sense of power and let it find the strength of its wings. The last sentence on the card pertains to respect. It evoked a deeper understanding in me that in order for others to respect me and find my services worthy, I first have to respect what it is I have to offer. I have to acknowledge that there is value in me and who I am. When I share that with others I am worthy of their respect. As always it begins with me, I set the tone as to how others will respond to me. Which brings me to the point of assertively setting boundaries around my time and my services. Now that I have taken the time to value myself, when requests are made to work with me I need to lead with my proposal, setting out clearly that yes I am willing to work with you and these are the terms upon which I am now available.

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Jan 21, 2021

This is something I have struggled with all my life - not the least with my writing and novels. Self-promotion is tough, especially for those of us who have not been encouraged to shine.

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