I am overwhelmed. The stress of moving has reached its zenith and yesterday I buckled under its emotional weight. I was not doing anything particularly taxing but rather the thoughts I was having about what needs to be done were so crowding my head that I fled to the cocoon of the couch and familiar vices to escape them. I retired to bed early knowing that I had not been allowing myself sufficient time to rejuvenate my energy with sleep this past week. At 4am this morning I joined my community in commemorating the Ascension of Baha'u'llah, the Prophet founder of the Baha'i Faith. This gathering with the readings and prayers that were offered coupled with the virtue of appreciation have enabled me to view yesterday as what my poor body required but what I had been stubbornly denying it. I know intellectually that when I deny my body rest it will find its own way to get what it needs. Although yesterday did not go the way that I hoped, I am buoyed today to not remain in the stagnant state of disappointment and instead take advantage of the energy, physical and emotional, that I am experiencing this morning. The spiritual work life calls me to do this morning is to look at yesterday through the lens of appreciation. I took time to rest my body and my mind. As I rested, I formed a workable plan for how I will continue to move our belongings to our new home; I asked for help from a friend with a vehicle that may accommodate large furniture and we decided on a time of day that would be best as we considered the weather forecast for the day; I took time to listen to my husband and the challenges he is encountering as he settles in to a new work place with new people and enjoyed cuddle time. Yesterday was also a reminder that I continue to need to develop more sensitivity around my energy levels and not be so persistent in pushing through them. I would like not to have days like yesterday and I know it can be avoided if I am more aware of the slippery slope that I am navigating. This remains a work in progress and I know that I need not have several more days of this kind but to appreciate this warning shot and put in place measures that will support a more sustainable weekend ahead. Therefore I am thankful for yesterday as it gives me motivation to improve today.
You have a lot on your plate and keeping balance is a tall order. Good luck with the move. As you said, remember to pace yourself and get the rest you need to sustain the level of activity that's required. Hugs.